I guess I just haven't been in the mood to write lately. I've had plenty of time! I had to cut down on my work week, and while I am there, my big belly (my big body really) makes barista'ing a little more complicated. I can still bend down, but getting up is a two person job. :)
Well, we had our big ultrasound! You probably already know, IT'S A BOY! We are so excited. Most people tell me that boys are easier, though some unreliable sources (annoying milk man!) have told me boys are harder. Having been a girl for 26 years now, I believe that boys will be easier. Also, I have an adorable tornado for a niece, so I don't think gender is the determining factor in how much choas and destruction a toddler will cause. After a few weeks of deliberation, Josh and I have decided on Cooper William Lowrey. William is Josh's dad's name, and I'm glad we are able to honor him and that his grandson will carry a part of him in his life. I absolutely love the name Cooper, and I think it's quite fitting for this little soccer player in my belly. I feel a Cooper. :) Soon we'll be starting on the nursery. Once life gets a little steadier. ha! If we waited until then, we'd be doing the nursery when Cooper turns 22.
My next doctor's appointment is when I take the hour-long sugar test. Wish me luck!
Two of my best friends are handling the baby shower, and I love them for it! After having hosted my sister-in-law's, I am really excited to be attending my own. Plus, I love parties about me! Just kidding. But, my birthday party cookout a couple weeks ago was a huge success. I had such a great time, and I'm so happy that almost all my friends got to come! I got a bunch of great presents, but I have to say the biggest surprise was the Kitchen Aid stand mixer I got from Josh and my mom. I've always wanted a stand mixer! And I'm so glad that one of my cooking/baking friends was there when I opened it because someone understands how AMAZING it is! It's a freakin KITCHEN AID STAND MIXER! OMG!
Easter was also a great day for celebrations. It was a small gathering - me, my mom, Josh, and of course Cooper. We had excellent food - and yes, that's bragging about my cooking! Josh did ribs on the grill; super delicious. And I've been enjoying leftover cole slaw and cornbread for a couple days.
My new obsession is couponing. I'm not extreme like on tv, but I do love to collect and occasionally save some money. :) My short-term goal, however, is to NOT spend money. We've got enough food for the rest of this week's dinners. But, I have started micromanaging my grocery lists. I won't go into details because I'm not quite ready to release my crazy into the public. :P
Maybe you'll be hearing from me again before the baby is born, but .... By now, we all now I'm not that dilligent.
Today's little victories: The sheets are in the wash! And, I ordered a nursing cover gift set for myself and got $32 off my order. woohoo!